Ocasio Cortez 2022

  1. Ocasio Cortez 2022 Calendar
  2. Ocasio Cortez 2022 Football
  3. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Bio

Last week, Wyoming Republican Liz Cheney voted to impeach President Trump. Conservatives were outraged. The Wyoming GOP denounced her. Congressman Jim Jordan threatened to oust her from House Republican leadership. Pundits called for someone to challenge Cheney in her 2022 primary.

that Cheney was “principled” and “fierce.” Peggy Noonan defended CheneyWall Street Journal and focused on the 2022 elections, saying the Committee’s “job is to take back the [House] majority.”

, while Democrats in swing districts never voted for Trump. Therefore, conservatives should focus on flipping swing districts instead of challenging the establishment.

That argument is wrong, and conservatives should reject it.

In an interview this week, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) left the door open to primarying Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for his U.S. Senate seat in 2022. Rumors have circulated for months that AOC will attempt to unseat Sen. Schumer in 2022, but Jacobs told The Post that such a primary challenge between Ocasio-Cortez and Schumer would be a loss in. Congressional Democrats’ dismal 2020 election had many wondering about Nancy Pelosi’s future. And now all hell is breaking loose. That’s because Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made this major announcement about replacing Nancy Pelosi. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez savaged the Democrat Party leadership in Congress declaring that it was time to move on from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. This market shall resolve to Yes in the event that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a ballot-listed candidate in the 2022 Democratic primary election for Senator from New York. Should no such primary election be held, due to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez running unopposed, this market will resolve as Yes.

eitherorIn 2018, Democrat congressman Joe Crowley expected to be reelected to an eleventh consecutive term. He was the fourth-highest ranking Democrat in the House, and the Party’s big donors loved himTo be sure, Crowley was not as liberal as his New York constituents -- he opposed universal free healthcareThen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez entered the race. The unknown 28-year-old fired-up the left-wing base. She emphasized free healthcare was “not only... about gender and race, [it’s] about class.”

, the Democrat establishment rushed to defend Crowley. He raised over $3 million, mostly from big donors and Andrew Cuomo

. Ocasio-Cortez beat Crowley by thirteen points and then easily won the general election in her far-left district.

. She introduced the Green New Deal, reduced Drug Enforcement Agency funding, and pushed to expand government housing. Along the way, she built a “political army” and a “fundraising machine” to support others in the far left.

, 39% of Americans have a positive opinion of Ocasio-Cortez, while 32% have a negative view. That makes Ocasio-Cortez the eleventhOcasio-Cortez’s rise has empowered the Left. She energizes the base and forces centrist Democrats to support far-left ideas. The media recognizes her as the face of the Democrat Party. All of that success is due to the Democrat base ignoring the party establishment and voting their values.

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, misguided, and evil

That formula starts with challenging out-of-touch incumbents in safe red districts. For instance, Liz Cheney. Just like Joe Crowley in 2018, Liz Cheney represents a safe district, holds a party leadership position, and has completely lost touch with her voters.

on impeachment:

Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the “worst thing ever in our history” (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda.

who is wrong on foreign policy. Republican voters want to end forever warsIn contrast, Liz Cheney is an outspoken supporter to withdraw troops.


Finally, Cheney is a disappointment on immigration. NumbersUSA, an advocate for reducing immigration, gave Cheney a score of 85%. Wyoming conservatives can do better than Cheney on immigration.

Liz Cheney is just one example. There are dozens of others establishment Republicans who represent conservative areas and are vulnerable to a primary challenge.

The second part of Ocasio-Cortez’s formula is using a simple, strong message that fires up the base. Conservatives should adopt President Trump’s America First message: end the forever wars, restrict immigration, bring jobs back home, and stop Big Tech censorship. These issues divide the conservative base from the establishment, making them an effective tool in primary races.

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. And in the 2020 cycle, six of the tenAlexandria Ocasio Cortez Bio

Small donations can close the gap between conservative challengers and establishment incumbents. If conservatives donate to America First primary challengers in 2022, those challengers can win.

Defeating the Republican establishment should be the first priority for conservative voters in 2022. When a real conservative wins a primary in a red district, it guarantees better representation in Congress. It also sends a message to centrist Republicans: vote America First or lose your job. Finally, and most importantly, an outspoken conservative can energize the base and change the face and future of the Republican Party.

Two years ago, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez galvanized the left, beat the Democrat establishment, and changed her party forever. If conservatives adopt her tactics, they can do the same thing to the Republican establishment in 2022.

Photo credit: YouTube screengrab (cropped)

Jack R. Carlsson is an attorney from Boise, Idaho. Follow him on Twitter at @JackRCarlsson.