R Questions


10 R Programming Questions and Answers 1. Define R Programming. What Are Some of the R Functions That Exist? You know what R programming is and does your interviewer, but he or she wants to hear you define it in your own words. This is why there’s a good chance this type of question will be part of your R programming questions. Mclust (XIV: r-ordination), oz (XIV: r-ordination). Contents I R Basics 5 1 Data Input 5 2 Missing Values 5 3 Useful Functions 6 4 Subsets of Dataframes 6 5 Scatterplots 7 6 Factors 8 7 Dotplots and Stripplots (lattice)8 8 Tabulation 9 9 Sorting 9 10 For Loops 10 11 The paste Function 10 12 A Function 10 II Further Practice with R 11.

Answers to some common questions related to 3-D printing of firearms.
Answers to common questions regarding what the program is, what is seized and who to contact.
Questions about bump-stock-style devices, the final rule clarifying that bump stocks fall under the definition of 'machinegun' under federal law, and how to destroy them or abandon them at local ATF offices.
Answers to common questions regarding what equitable sharing is.
Answers to common questions regarding contesting seizures, filing claims and retrieving seized property.
Answers to common questions about the Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Export Report.
Answers to questions about marking variances for destructive device munitions manufactured as part of a valid United States Government (USG) contract.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the Bomb Arson Tracking System (BATS).

Answers to common questions about alcohol and tobacco diversion, which is the trafficking of alcohol and tobacco products in avoidance of Federal, State or foreign taxes or in violation of Federal, State or foreign law.

Answers to some common questions specific to applying for a Federal Explosives License (FEL).
Answers to some common questions about requirements for Form 4473 including where to order, how to download and proper means of identification for purchasing a firearm.
This section deals with auctions: estate-type auctions and consignment auctions and the auctioneers.
Answers to some common questions for those who may need more information on the access requirements for BATS.
Answers to some common questions for who to contact for BATS support.
Answers to some common questions for those who may be looking for training information and sessions.
These questions pertain to individuals who wish to collect firearms. This includes curio and relic firearms.
Answers to some common questions about firearms licensing requirements, procedures for federal firearms licensee forms and filings, ammunition sales and the shipping of firearms.
Answers to some common questions about storage and shipping requirements, manufacturing, and commercial use of fireworks.
Answers to some common questions about relief from firearms disabilities, the Gun Control Act (GCA) and regulation of firearms and ammunition.

These questions are intended to help you gain a better understanding of explosives-related issues. You can also find the latest federal explosives regulations in our Rules and Regulations section.

Answers to some common questions on the definitions of a gunsmith, licensing and recordkeeping requirements.
Answers to some common questions about importing into or exporting from the United States including firearms.

Answers to some common questions about importing or exporting firearms into/from the United States if you are not a federal firearms licensee.

Answers to some common questions about applying for the Industry Operations Investigator (IOI) position.
This section is intended to provide information on who needs a Federal explosives license or permit and the steps necessary to obtain one.
Answers to some common questions about applying for, renewing, or discontinuing a Federal Firearms License (FFL).
This section pertains to questions regarding machine guns.
Answers to some common questions related to the manufacturing of firearms and ammunition.
Answers to some common questions on the use or purchase of a firearm(s) by a person convicted of a domestic violence crime.
Answers to some common questions related to what is the Nation Firearms Act (NFA) including the definition, clarification and application of the Act, as well as which form(s) to use in order to apply for a tax stamp.
Questions and answers regarding the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
Answers to some common questions for those who may be considered a nonimmigrant alien or for federal firearms licensees conducting business with nonimmigrant alien customers.
Answers to questions about other systems and how they relate/affect the use of BATS.
These questions pertain to pawnbrokers, who deal with the sales and purchases of firearms.
Questions regarding the personal collections of firearms if you are licensee.
This section is intended to identify what are plastic explosives and how they must be handled.
Answers to some common questions specific to receivers known as 80% receivers or unfinished receivers.
Answers to common questions about firearms records/bound book entries.
Answers to some common questions about recordkeeping requirements for explosives licensees and permittees.
Answers to some common questions when applying for a Special Agent (SA) position.
Questions and answers regarding the storage requirements of explosives and explosive materials.
Answers to frequently asked questions in regards to theft and loss of firearms in transit.
The PACT Act law went into effect on June 29, 2010. The PACT Act features several major components; it regulates the mailing of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to consumers through the U.S. Postal Service; Registration, Reporting, Delivery requirements, recordkeeping, List of Unregistered or Non-Compliant Delivery Seller’s; increases penalties to a felony up to 3 years imprisonment and gives ATF inspection authority to examine any records required to be maintained and any cigarettes or smokeless kept on the premises.
Answers to questions in regards to the U.S. Bomb Data Center.
Answers to some common questions regarding explosives licensing and exemptions for contractors who work with the U.S military.
Answers to some common questions about the buying, selling, shipping, renting or loaning of firearms to an unlicensed person.
  • R Tutorial
  • R Data Interfaces
  • R Charts & Graphs
  • R Statistics Examples
  • R Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

Dear readers, these R Interview Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for the subject of R programming. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer −

R is a programming language meant for statistical analysis and creating graphs for this purpose.Instead of data types, it has data objects which are used for calculations. It is used in the fields of data mining, Regression analysis, Probability estimation etc., using many packages available in it.


There are 6 data objects in R. They are vectors, lists, arrays, matrices, data frames and tables.

A valid variable name consists of letters, numbers and the dot or underline characters. The variable name starts with a letter or the dot not followed by a number.

A matrix is always two dimensional as it has only rows and columns. But an array can be of any number of dimensions and each dimension is a matrix. For example a 3x3x2 array represents 2 matrices each of dimension 3x3.

R Questions And Answers

The Factor data objects in R are used to store and process categorical data in R.

A csv file can be loaded using the read.csv function. R creates a data frame on reading the csv files using this function.

The command getwd() gives the current working directory in the R environment.

This is the package which is loaded by default when R environment is set. It provides the basic functionalities like input/output, arithmetic calculations etc. in the R environment.

Logistic regression deals with measuring the probability of a binary response variable. In R the function glm() is used to create the logistic regression.

The expression M[4,2] gives the element at 4th row and 2nd column.

When two vectors of different length are involved in a operation then the elements of the shorter vector are reused to complete the operation. This is called element recycling. Example - v1 <- c(4,1,0,6) and V2 <- c(2,4) then v1*v2 gives (8,4,0,24). The elements 2 and 4 are repeated.

Community questions and answers

We can call a function in R in 3 ways. First method is to call by using position of the arguments. Second method id to call by using the name of the arguments and the third method is to call by default arguments.

The lazy evaluation of a function means, the argument is evaluated only if it is used inside the body of the function. If there is no reference to the argument in the body of the function then it is simply ignored.

To install a package in R we use the below command.

The package named 'XML' is used to read and process the XML files.

We can update any of the element but we can delete only the element at the end of the list.

The general expression to create a matrix in R is - matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames)

The boxplot() function is used to create boxplots in R. It takes a formula and a data frame as inputs to create the boxplots.

Frequency 6 indicates the time interval for the time series data is every 10 minutes of an hour.

In R the data objects can be converted from one form to another. For example we can create a data frame by merging many lists. This involves a series of R commands to bring the data into the new format. This is called data reshaping.

Use the command

It splits the strings in vector x into substrings at the position of letter e.

Error in v * x[1] : non-numeric argument to binary operator

It converts a list to a vector.


It is used to apply the same function to each of the elements in an Array. For example finding the mean of the rows in every row.

Every matrix can be called an array but not the reverse. Matrix is always two dimensional but array can be of any dimension.

sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)

'%%' gives remainder of the division of first vector with second while '%/%' gives the quotient of the division of first vector with second.

Find the column has the maximum value for each row.


It is used to install a r package from local directory by browsing and selecting the file.

Where formula represents the series of variables used in pairs and data represents the data set from which the variables will be taken.

The subset() functions is used to select variables and observations. The sample() function is used to choose a random sample of size n from a dataset.

R coding interview questions

[1] NA

The function t() is used for transposing a matrix. Example - t(m) , where m is a matrix.

The 'next' statement in R programming language is useful when we want to skip the current iteration of a loop without terminating it.

What is Next?

Maccat-t Questions

Further, you can go through your past assignments you have done with the subject and make sure you are able to speak confidently on them. If you are fresher then interviewer does not expect you will answer very complex questions, rather you have to make your basics concepts very strong.

T Questions

Second it really doesn't matter much if you could not answer few questions but it matters that whatever you answered, you must have answered with confidence. So just feel confident during your interview. We at tutorialspoint wish you best luck to have a good interviewer and all the very best for your future endeavor. Cheers :-)