Occasional Gamer


So, laptop always has a massive loss of performance compared to desktop computers at a comparable price. In other words: you have to buy mobility dearly.

Occasional Games For Kids

occasional games

It doesn't matter if 'occasionally' or exclusively. A computer can't save power so that it is available for 'occasional gaming'. If you want to play, a computer can bring a certain amount of performance to a game. If by 'occasionally' you mean that performance doesn't have to be really good because you don't see the game most of the time, then okay.
But it doesn't make the game any better.

In addition, the commonly used functions don't even need to be mentioned if you already know the biggest challenge. A GTA V computer with 120 FPS packs, it also packs office and solitaire.
Okay, if you don't know what will do more, you just count everything.

As for the specific computer. I would try to find benchmarks from comparable computers.
This one looks similar:

They used to play games all the time. Now, they're older, wiser, and way too busy. They're The Occasional Gamers. The game runs fine for the most part at 60fps, but there is an occasional hiccup/lag/sluggishness that gets annoying after a while. To be frank, yes, I have all my graphics setting set to maximum, but considering my specs, I really don't think that should be an issue for an old game like this. Windows 10 Home Edition 64-Bit.

OccasionalOccasional Gamer

Occasional Gamer

If you look for several such computers and compare their performance in the game mentioned, then you have a good impression of what to expect. Of course, you can deviate a few percent, but the order of magnitude fits.

Occasional Gamer Games

20-30 FPS with dips when more happens. In addition, everything on low.